Vampower Title text
My Role(s)

UI/UX Designer, Technical & System Designer


Unreal Engine 5, Figma, Miro, Github


2 weeks + 4 weeks

Team size

8 people team; 4 designers & 4 programmers

Vampower is a survival-like tower defence game with minor roguelike elements were you must protect your Vampire overlord from hordes of enemies. Tailor your playstyle by selecting 1 out of 10 hearts to serve and choose between 3 classes, with different stats and starting weapon.

Responsibilities as UI/UX Designer
  • Design and implement all the game's UI

  • The overall user experience

Responsibilities as Technical & System Designer
  • Design the game systems

  • Implement gameplay features; enemy spawning & structure building

  • Decide on a structure for managing the game data, using data tables so it's easily accessible and editable

  • Making and editing most of the game data

I was a central part of the team and worked closely with both designers and programmers to build and implement all the game systems.


Main learning points

HUD blueprint class

Use the HUD-class for creating and storing references to the widgets instead of the player or controller blueprints. This greatly helped this project's structure and improved communication within the team.

Collapse Widgets

Collapse and reuse widgets instead of continuously creating and destroying them.

RichTextBlocks & RichTextStyle

RichTextStyles helps keep text consistency and makes font adjustment easier. The setup is slower to start but the time saved later is well worth it.

My UI workflow

1. Plan & research

I outline what UI will be necessary, in what contexts, prioritizing its importance. I study other games with similar mechanics and make user stories.

2. Layout block out & flow

Either done on paper or in Figma. The block out helps showcase my vision and allows me to get feedback early on.

3. Implementation & functionality

I recreate the block out in engine, focusing on making it functional. The block out helps inform the structure of the widgets and what content I'll need.


Feature brief

The shop needed to display 5 upgrade cards. The shop has a randomness to what cards get displayed. There should be a reroll feature to reroll the shops selection. A feature to lock/ unlock individual cards so the player has the option to not reroll locked cards. The player should also be able to see their current stats and purchased upgrades to informed choices.

Original block out

For the upgrade cards I had a lot of references to go from. The main inspirations were Brotato and Soulstone Survivor for their layouts.

The difficulty I faced was figuring out the placement of player information, such as their weapon(s), stats and upgrades. I ended up dissatisfied with what I came up with but knew I didn't have the time to fix it.

The main issues I have with it is that there's too much packed information that takes up a third of the screen. It feels overwhelming and doesn’t look clean.

Reimagined block out

Taken time away from the project, I tried tackling the main issues I had with the original layout.

To solve how crowded it felt I moved information into tool tips, only keeping the icons for the weapon and upgrades. This gives a lot more space and allows me to make the container shorter. The icons could potentially be made even smaller if needed.

I also moved the active heart up to the top of the screen, as it was oddly placed with the upgrades prior.

Card animation

For the purchase animation, I made the card spin by decreasing the widgets render transform x scale and the y shear simultaneously.

Simple but effective and looks convincingly 3D!

Shop menu in game


Feature brief

The build menu should display all the structures and information about them, such as name, description, cost. The players currency balance should also be present.

Block out

The game has 3 structure types: offence, defence and support. Each structure type has 3 structures, making a total of 9 structures.

I designed a menu with three tabs corresponding to the structure types and three structure cards.

The structure cards content update to fit the active tab. Hovering over the card will show a window with more details about the structure.

Build menu ingame

Feedback for the Build menu

1. Hold to purchase feature

Gives the player a chance to cancel purchase. Confused players at first but they quickly adapted without outside prompting.
When asked if they’d preferred not having the feature, most said no and that they like it.

Feedback on shortening the hold time requirement so it went faster.
The feature could also be a settings option, so the player gets the final say.

2. Tab buttons

Play testers frequently missed the tab buttons.

Same design is used in the class select menu but not the same issue. Difference is it has a Header text right under the buttons.

I’d be curious to see if adding that to the build's menu would help alleviate the problem. Otherwise, I’d work on clarifying the tab buttons visual language to more clearly communicate to the player that they are in fact buttons.

3. Currency text color

The red color for the currency text gave play testers the impression that an item they could afford wasn't purchasable. From a UX standpoint red is used to communicate an error or lack of resources in this context.

Knowing this I made a visual distinction between elements when an element can’t be afforded by lowering the opacity.

Unfortunately, this distinction isn't there when all the elements can be afforded, leading to the assumption that you can’t purchase it. I should have done a better job communicating this visually or picked a more conventional color for better UX.

Selection Menu

Feature brief

At the start of the game the player wants to pick their playstyle by selecting modifiers and class. The menu should display all the available choices with relevant information so the player can make informed decisions.

Select Menu work in progress

First iteration

The select menu does not have a block out. It was made in engine by taking standards I’d made for the earlier menus.

Main Menu separation

For the final version of the game the main menu was separated out from the selection menu and put in its own level. This made map selection and restarting a level a lot simpler.

The layout was also changed to be horizontal instead of vertical, inspired by the menus in Thronefall. I setup a quick scene to use as backdrop and added a title.

Vampower main menu screenshot

Final version

In total I made 10 different Heart types, but to fit them all I had to update the design of the Heart select cards. I simplified the cards design by moving the description information into tooltips.

The Quick play button was added to speedup getting into game, useful when debugging. It picks all the default options, skipping the selection process getting you into the game with one click.
Ironically the best feature I made, by skipping the other stuff I made.

Healthbar & damage numbers


I've experience doing a visual novel style game in Unreal Engine, so I repurposed some of that code to work for a cutscene.

The cutscene widget takes two arrays of the same length, one for images (texture2D) and one for string.

The widget goes through the arrays, changing the image and displaying the string with a typing effect. When the full string is displayed there's a short delay before automatically continuing to the next element.

The player can click to continue the story quicker. To handle this input, I made an invisible button that covers the entire screen.


Pre-production phase

2 weeks exploring 3 game concepts, developing a playable prototype for each one. First half of the week went to concepting and roughly planning out the different concepts. The rest was split up into 2 days of development time per prototype.

Health system

Gif showcasing health system

I created a versatile health system in blueprints that was reused for all the prototypes, saving on development time to work on other features.

To test the health system, I made a target dummy with the health system properly implemented with a health bar to visualize the current health.

To deal damage I made an attack actor component that can be applied to any actor and a turret that shoots projectiles.

Vampower Prototype

The prototype focused on testing the core mechanics of defending a central point from waves of enemies by building structures.

The prototype features:
  • Simple enemies that target either the player or the central point (the heart).

  • An enemy spawner that spawns an increasing number of enemies per wave.

  • Structures, 2 different types.

  • Actor with the attack actor component.

  • Turret actor that shoots projectiles at closest enemy.

  • The player can interact with structures to activate them.

  • Day & night cycle.

Gif showcasing gameplay from Vampower's prototype

Production phase

4 weeks to create the finished game.


For the prototype we'd utilized inheritance for the units, since all of them would need to have health logic. It worked great for the prototype so we used it for the actual game as well.

Classes in C++ which blueprint inherits from.

The Ally and Enemy Base distinction was needed for targeting.

Unit Stat Structure
  • Max Health

  • Health Regeneration

  • Lifesteal

  • Defense

  • Movement Speed

  • Attack Damage

  • Attack Speed

  • Critical Rate

  • AOE Radius

Units get their stats from a data table on Begin play.


The player has three classes, each class has a different set of base stats and starting weapon. The weapons have the same class types and are designed to synergize best with the same class but still work with the other classes.

Enemy Spawning

I made 2 blueprint classes, the BP_SpawnManager and BP_Spawner. The SpawnManager listens to events from the day/night system to know when to start spawning and the day count to get spawn data. The SpawnManager then gives the spawn data to the needed spawners and tell them to start spawning.

The enemy spawning does not utilize object pooling so the later days, 10 and up, do start impacting performance negatively. If the team were to publish the game properly, I'd work on implementing object pooling.

Wave Data

For us designers to have full control of each wave, I made a data table to specify; where to spawn, what to spawn, the amount to spawn, the delay until next spawn. Each data table row contains the spawn content for 1 day. The data table is built using 3 structs.

  • An array of SpawnerInfo

  • Spawner Index

  • An array of EnemySpawnInfo

  • Enemy class

  • Spawn Amount

  • Delay Until Next Spawn


For this project I tried a new approach for managing widgets, as I knew this game would have a lot of menus. After learning some more best practices I decided to use the HUD-class. The HUD-class creates and handles all the widgets.

I really like this approach, as it centralizes everything UI related in one place, making it easier to manage and for others to work around. For information other systems needed from the UI, I created event dispatchers that the widgets triggered. Example: when an upgrade is purchased from the shop widget that the player blueprint listens to in order to apply the changes.

Another new approach I tried for this project was to keep gameplay logic out of the widgets. The widgets should only display given data and forward button inputs. When button input is received the widget fires an event dispatcher so the HUD-class can handle it.

Build Structure

I began with planning out how the player would build a structure from start to finish.

First iteration

The player walks up to the resource node to interact with it. This was extremely tedious and time consuming.

For the final version I changed the interact input to use mouse positon and input instead.

Data structure

The UI gets its data from a data table.

Data table struct
  • Spawn class reference

  • Structure name

  • Description

  • Cost

9 total structures were planned but not all got completed before the deadline. The UI requires 9 items so instead of deleting the structures I kept them but made the cost impossible to get.


1. Delayed interact after purchase

After building a structure there was a noticeable delay before you could interact with another node. After debugging I still couldn't figure it out, so I ended up rewriting how the click interact works in hopes of fixing it, but the delay was still there. As it wasn't game breaking I had to leave it.

I ended up accidentally solving it when I was fixing a similar hover bug, but over UI weapon icons on the HUD. Turns out it had to do with changing Input mode when exiting menus. Previously I just set it to Input Mode Game Only whenever exiting a menu but using Input Mode UI And Game instead just… solved it. Good to know. :)

2. Click inconsistency

There was a lot of inconsistency with clicking on the resource node. This led to some frustration and confusion from play testers.
The reason for this inconsistency was other objects blocking the raycast from the cursor.
When rewriting the click interact, I added a object channel for Interact, which helped reduce the inconsistency.

Player Feedback

To improve the user experience, I added more feedback to the players actions. I swap the cursor icon and add a hover effect on the resource node by changing the material. This makes the resource nodes feel more like buttons and helps inform that the player should click on it.

The resource nodes were sometimes missed so I very subtly added animated arrows pointing at the resource nodes.

The hover effects and arrows are only active during nighttime when they are interactable.

Upgrade Shop

I started with outlining the full interaction from start to end.

Purchase Card

First Iteration

The core functionality working; reroll buttons updates the shop, locking/ unlocking cards work, and purchase hides them.

At this stage no real data is used for the cards and currency isn't taken into consideration. Focus is getting the UI interaction in place so it can be play tested.

Shop Data

For the shop I have 2 data tables. One for the stat upgrade cards and one for the weapons. I made this distinction because the weapons need more data. During runtime the HUD-class makes upgrade card structs out of the weapon data table.

Card Struct

Struct is used for the UI and for applying upgrades to the player stats.

  • Description: Only used to convey information for the widget, needs to be manually updated to match the actual modified value.

  • Modifier: A C++ struct with multipliers for all the stats. Data is used to apply the stat upgrades.

Weapon Struct

  • Short Description: Used by the card widget when the weapon is not owned.

  • Long Description: Used on the weapon tooltip.

  • Upgrade Description array: Description text for all the levels. Which one is used is determined by the weapons upgrade level.

Reroll shop

The shop gets rerolled automatically at the start of the night. The player can also decide to reroll the shop with currency.
Weapon cards have a lower chance of appearing.

Duplicate cards

The current cards are not considered when checking for duplicates.

Update shop

When updating the cards, locked cards get skipped and therefore keep their old data. This does mean there is still a chance for duplicates.

Item pool

Contains all potential items that can appear in the store.

This includes:

  • All stat cards

  • A version of each weapon if it's

    • not owned by the player

    • not max upgrade level

The current cards data and lock/unlock state is only saved in the card widget. In hindsight, the HUD-class should be responsible for this data, not the widgets.

Game balance

Scaling is a big part of any survival-like game. As the player gets stronger, resources get sparser and enemies tougher or increase in amount. Balancing numbers in a spreadsheet is not quite my expertise or interest but I did try keeping scaling in mind when designing the games systems.

  • Upgrade shop reroll cost increases with each use.

  • Weapon card cost scale based on:

    • Total owned weapon count.

    • Weapon upgrade level.

  • Enemies' health and damage scale with day count.

  • Enemy amount increases each day.

Unfortunately, the games current balance is broken. Especially the economy. Not surprising though, I did only get time to spend on it during the night before the final playtest trying to fix it.


The player gets too much money too early, so they end up purchasing everything.

  • Strategi: The player no longer needs to manage their resources. There is no choosing between two great options but only being able to afford one.

  • Overpowered: The player becomes too strong, they no longer feel threatened by the enemies. In the long run, less stakes makes the combat less engaging and less fun.

  • Currency: Decrease the amount of currency the player gets.

  • Enemy: Increase enemy health and/ or damage stats.

  • Cost: Increase cost of upgrades and structures.

Weapon scaling

Since the weapons are so impactful- buying one should require a fair bit of investment. My goal was to limit the player to EITHER invest horizontally with a lot of weapons OR vertically with few well upgraded weapons. The player should NOT be able to buy most weapons AND heavily upgrade them.


In short, we overscoped the game by a lot considering the limited timeframe.

UI/UX designer

  • New UI/UX workflow habits in Unreal Engine:

    • Utilizing the HUD-class.

    • Using richtextstyles for all the games text.

    • Reusing widgets instead of removing and constructing again.

  • How valuable doing research and getting references is.

  • Got to experience designing more complex gameplay menus. Struggles with how to best display a lot of information.

Technical designer

  • Communication and co-operation with programmers and other designers.

  • Problem solving, quick but effective solutions to get the game done in time.

  • Separating out data from functionality. Used data tables.

  • How to structure data in a readable and easily editable way.